

Group of female students at Qatar University (QU) held a campaign (With Our Values We Learn), known as the (Qataf) campaign.

A field project prepared by female students from the Department of Faith and Advocacy and under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Al-Zahraa, a member of the faculty at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University.

The campaign Qataf focused on the link between science and its value system, this link cannot achieve its educational goals through social media sites only. The campaign focused on the educational goals and how it can be achieved. The campaign opened doors for discussion and finding proper solutions to the problems faced by students.

The team participating in this project included; Salma Hassan: Bachelor’s student, specializing in advocacy and media, fourth year, team leader and design officer in the field course, Razan Ashraf Al-Faqih, BA student, majoring in Islamic studies and two branches of media, fourth year “graduation semester”, content officer in the (Qataf) team, Rashida Hafez: Bachelor’s student, major in Islamic Studies, major in history, graduation semester, responsible for posting on Twitter and compiling verses and hadiths on the topic, for the Qataf team in field training, Hanan Lamy: Bachelor’s student, majoring in doctrine and advocacy, graduation class, responsible for publishing in Twitter, and compiling scholars ’statements according to the topic in field training, Al-Anoud Andilah: Bachelor’s degree student, majoring in advocacy and media, “graduation”, design and publication of the Qataf project in the field course, Afra Muhammad Al-Mutawa: Bachelor’s student majoring in Islamic Studies, “Graduation Class” responsible for the weekly report of the Qataf team in field training and Sheikha Rashid Al-Maqareh: Fourth year, specializing in advocacy and media, preparing interviews and sending them to those interested in our topic, and responsible for spreading messages on Twitter in emergency situations.

Dr. Fatima Al-Zahra, said, “The College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University seeks to provide high-quality education in all fields, by teaching some of the basic skills a student needs in his professional life. Islamic Studies at Qatar University provides its students with a solid foundation in building a successful career, despite the efforts exerted by faculty members, it is difficult to transfer full work experience through the classroom only, especially field experience and practical practices that can only be obtained by spending time for this reason.”

The participants in this meaningful field work confirmed that they seek to contribute to improve the image of science and education in the perspective of the science students in the Arab community by reaching 10,000 students during the year 2021 through this initiative from different communication platforms, linking science with original values and contributing to clarifying the relationship between values and science through the initiative.