
Official Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Qatari Plane Carrying Field Hospital Arrives at Benina International Airport in Benghazi -1

Advisor to Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari highlighted Qatar’s participation in the opening of the Board of Governors meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. During the opening, he delivered Qatar’s statement, praising the central role of the agency in coordinating international efforts, developing safety standards, and assisting member states in their implementation across various advisory domains. This is aimed at enhancing the Agency’s regulatory functions, national infrastructure, nuclear and radiation safety, transportation, and waste management, as well as readiness and response to emergencies.

Dr. Al Ansari also mentioned that Qatar, for the first time, participated in the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety, presenting its first report at the meeting. This report provided an overview of Qatar’s nuclear activities and their peaceful applications, the history of Qatar’s relationship with the agency, and its contributions to improving radiation and nuclear safety infrastructure. It also outlined the updates made in Qatar’s radiation and nuclear safety infrastructure in cooperation with the Agency, including Integrated Regulatory Review Services (IRRS), the national strategic safety policy, government responsibilities for safety, regulatory infrastructure, and emergency preparedness and response.

His Excellency urged all countries with nuclear facilities, especially those in the Middle East region, to expedite their adherence to international agreements on nuclear safety to ensure the robustness of their operational systems in owned reactors and compliance with international nuclear safety measures.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson noted the participation of HE Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater virtually in a side event in Geneva marking the Fourth International Day to Protect Education from Attack. Her Excellency expressed Qatar’s appreciation for all those who have tirelessly worked to ensure educational opportunities for all children, especially those living in conflict or crisis situations.

He stressed that Her Excellency affirmed that conflict should not be a pretext to deprive anyone of their right to education. She emphasized that disrupting education not only jeopardizes children’s current lives but also affects their entire futures and the futures of their communities. She reaffirmed Qatar’s unwavering commitment to supporting quality education at both national and international levels as a top priority in its strategic vision.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson also highlighted the successful completion of the Ukrainian Education in Emergencies program by the Education Above All Foundation last month. This project aimed to integrate over 6,000 Ukrainian refugee children into Polish education and social systems.

Furthermore, Qatar, in partnership with Indonesia, will host the 2nd International Conference on Afghan Women’s Education on Nov. 28-29, with the aim of garnering international support for education in Afghanistan.

The spokesperson mentioned the meeting between HE Al Khater and HE Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in South Sudan Albino Akol Atak. During the meeting, she received a written letter from HE President of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit to HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. The message pertained to bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to support and enhance them. HE the Spokesperson also highlighted Al Khater’s meeting with Undersecretary for Multilateral and Bilateral Economic Negotiations at the Argentine Republic H E Ramiro Ordoqui and their discussion of bilateral cooperation in various fields, including economics, investment, technology, and culture.

Dr. Al Ansari highlighted Qatar’s condemnation of the recent attacks that targeted a riverboat and a military site in the Republic of Mali, resulting in the deaths and injuries of numerous civilians and military personnel. He reiterated Qatar’s firm stance rejecting violence, terrorism, and criminal acts, regardless of their motives or reasons, expressing Qatar’s condolences to the victims’ families and the government and people of Mali, and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

Source: Qatar News Agency