General Directorate of Traffic Organizes “Camping Season” Campaign 2023

Doha, The Ministry of Interior (MOI) announced the launch of the “Camping Season” campaign for the year 2023, organized by the General Directorate of Traffic, represented by the Traffic Awareness Department, under the slogan “Safe Camping” with the aim of spreading traffic awareness for road users, raising the level of traffic safety, and reducing accidents in offroad areas.

Launched Friday in Sealine area, the campaign saw the participation of a number of agencies, namely the General Administration of Civil Defense, the Community Police Department, the Juvenile Police Department, the Patrols and Traffic Investigation Department, in addition to a number of relevant agencies.

During the campaign, a field visit to motorcycle rental shops was organized with the aim of educating campers of different ages and segments of motorcycle users and shop owners about the necessity of following the traffic law, adhering to traffic safety requirements and rules, and avoiding wrong behavior in order to preserve the safety of lives and property.

The campaign team also provided some advice and awareness guidance to vehicle drivers and restaurant goers in the Sealine area, where they were reminded of the necessity of adhering to the traffic law and following the controls and principles of safe offroad driving to avoid accidents. The campaign team called for rational driving, adhering to wearing a seat belt, and complying with safety rules and requirements.

Source: Qatar News Agency