
Ashghal, Qatar Scientific Club to Launch 2nd ‘Future Engineer’ Program in July

The Public Works Authority ‘Ashghal’ and the Qatar Scientific Club announced Monday the launch of the second edition of the ‘Future Engineer’ Program on July 9. The program aims to familiarize students with various engineering disciplines to guide them through the process of choosing their own.

As revealed in a press conference on this occasion, the program offers various workshops on different engineering disciplines with an explanation to their importance and advantages. The program allows students to gain insight on the engineering disciplines of all fields practically and interactively and it contributes to their decision-making process when it comes to choosing their engineering field, in addition to encouraging students to explore the different engineering fields, in line with the market requirements.

The first stage of the program is where the students are introduced to the mechanisms of working in laboratories and the departments of Ashghal over five days. On the first day of its first stage, the program will address an overview of Ashghal and its role in infrastructure development and familiarize the participants with the importance of project management and planning, including the objectives and scope identification. On the second day, the participants will take part in a discussion session on risk management and its importance in project management and project implementation plans which includes team management and progress monitoring, with an hour of brainstorming for participants to identify and address significant problems facing Ashghal.

On the third day, participants will make a field visit to a site to learn how to apply project management principles in working life, and then debrief information and results on site visits and discuss how to adopt project management principles in different projects and contexts. On the fourth day, the Engineering Services Department will familiarize participants with the contractual procedures from pre-contract to post-contract management. Finally, the participants will learn about IT engineering, and Quality and Safety management and its role in Ashghal’s projects, and training in the Laboratories Section (Environmental Laboratory Unit and Building Materials Laboratory Unit).

In the second stage of the program, participants will be introduced to the laboratories of QSC over four days and in each of the QSC laboratories and workshops. Participants will be able to apply what they have learned to miniature structures for some engineering projects that are being carried out in different locations, and they will work on the design of prototypes and thus the construction of the three-dimensional basic building materials and their connectivity to electronic devices.

Manager of the Public Relations, and Communications Department at Ashghal Abdulla Saad Al Saad, stated: “the ‘Future Engineer’ program reflects the social responsibility of Ashghal, through which we will be able to provide our knowledge and expertise to our students through its different aspects and introduce them to different engineering disciplines in Ashghal practically in different program stages, and in several Ashghal departments and sections.” “The program was designed to be in line with the abilities and capabilities of our students and motivate them to think creatively, where the focus during the program stages will be on practice and the use of modern technology to encourage students to implement projects and find solutions to potential challenges during the implementation,” he added, noting: “in Ashghal, we are always pleased with these partnerships with QSC and with various entities in the country to develop the skills of our students and introduce them to various engineering disciplines, in order to prepare a new generation of distinguished engineers.” QSC Deputy Executive Director Eng. Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis, explained: “we are fully ready to welcome participants to implement their practical projects in QSC laboratories, that were designed for the implementation of modern technological projects, to match the aspirations of the young people and enables them to simulate the reality of work when they graduate and work in engineering fields.” “On behalf of the QSC we would like to thank the Public Works Authority for their support and interest in this program, and its cooperation with all existing possibilities to be a high-level program in the field of engineering knowledge, believing in the importance of empowering the future generation,” he added.

Source: Qatar News Agency