
Thousands of Americans call upon congress to prevent demolishing Palestinian schools

Supporters of Palestinian Right in the United States launched a campaign demanding the US congress members to put pressures on the US administration to intervene and prevent the Israeli occupation authorities from demolishing the Palestinian schools in the West Bank.

Wafa news agency said that more than 5 thousand Americans signed an online petition, that illustrates that Israel had issued orders to demolish 58 Palestinian schools in occupied Jerusalem and the rest area in the West Bank, warning it is scheduled to demolish Jeb al-Zeeb primary school in Bethlehem before May 7th.

The Palestinian and Arab Community and the municipality of Reus in Tarragona province in Spain organized at campaign at the Liberty Square downtown Reus to collect the signatures to prosecute Israel and hold it accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people.

Head of the Palestinian Community in Reus, Amina Shoman said that the activity aims at collecting as many signatures as possible to prosecute Israel for its apartheid policy against the Palestinian people.

Tarragona’s deputy mayor, Paula Varas, stressed solidarity with the Palestinian cause, expressing condemnation of the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people and calling for immediately stopping them.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency