
The National Library graduates its second batch of trainees

Ramallah – Ma’an – Today, Issa Qaraqe, head of the Palestinian National Library, graduated the second batch of students from specialized courses in the field of library and information science. This was done in the presence and participation of the head of the General Personnel Council and the head of the Palestinian National School, Musa Abu Zeid, where the course was held. It was organized in cooperation between the two sides, for the second time in a row.

In addition, Musa Abu Zeid welcomed this form of cooperation and joint work between the National Library and the National School, as it meets one of the requirements for developing and advancing public work, and enabling the library staff to carry out its duties and carry out its functions in an optimal manner, stressing the school’s readiness to provide Everything the library needs in the field of training and qualification.

He added, ‘I am confident that the National Library will turn into a unique national success story, due to the soundness of its m
easures in selecting employees and training them before they begin work, given its recent age and the lack of previous Palestinian expertise in its field of specialization, including indexing, digitization, maintenance and display of documents.’ And deposit books and periodicals.

Therefore, Palestine is in dire need of this vital and important project, despite the genocidal war to which our people are exposed in Gaza, and the many challenges and difficulties that the presence of the occupation brings upon us.

On this occasion, I must express a word of thanks to His Excellency Minister Issa Qaraqe, President of the National Library, for his diligent follow-up of the programs to qualify library staff, and his keenness to provide them with the best skills and methods of work. I also extend my thanks to the trainer, Anan Hamad, for the effort he made during the course. .

Issa Qaraqe

First of all, I must extend a word of thanks and gratitude to the Palestinian National School, represented by its President, Min
ister Musa Abu Zeid, for kindly hosting the two courses organized by the Palestinian National Library in this proud national edifice.

Thanks are due to the trainer, Dr. Anan Hamad, who presented a summary of his experiences to the team of trainees from the Palestinian National Library, over the course of three weeks, during which the participants received 45 hours of training, equivalent to a full academic year.

Qaraqe added, “Perhaps it is needless to explain and remind us of the role assigned to this team, and the team that preceded it in training, as well as the rest of the male and female workers in the Palestinian National Library, that they perform the most important national roles dedicated to preserving and preserving the cultural and civilizational heritage of our people.”

This is a great need, the decisive importance of which was demonstrated by the practices of the Israeli war of annihilation in Gaza, where it targeted that heritage as well as the human being who owns it, because both of them co
mplement the other in embodying the Palestinian narrative and the discourse of truth that it contains.

That is why we must do the impossible to operate this important national project, so that it completes with other sovereign institutions the process of building the state, a state of rational institutions capable of serving Palestine and preserving its national and national identity.

The library works to fill the existing gaps in the cultural and creative scene, by introducing a modern deposit system, because of its utmost importance in organizing the cultural and creative scene in Palestine, and without it we cannot talk about the existence of an effective national library with a clear message, and work to enact others. Among the necessary legislations to promote a free cultural and creative work environment, free of turmoil and confusion, such as property law and copyright protection.

On this occasion, I must praise the efforts of trainer Anan Hamad, who presented the trainees with the latest findings i
n archiving and deposit sciences, which made the course outcomes great outcomes, which can be inferred from the knowledge that the male and female trainees acquired, and their growing passion for undertaking work. And give their library the knowledge they gained in this course.

He added, “The tasks are many and the challenges are great, but all of this does not mean that we should not begin. We must begin work immediately to build the first pillar of the Palestinian National Library, which has been long awaited.”

Anan Hamad The working hour has struck

On this occasion, allow me to express my great thanks and gratitude to the National School, headed by Minister Musa Abu Zeid, for constructing this important national training edifice. In fact, I had never entered this building before, and I was astonished by the complete equipment and infrastructure I found in it. Serving the training and qualification sector in Palestine.

I would also like to praise the team of male and female trainees for their great resp
onsibility in the course, in terms of their discipline at work first, and the completion of training hours second, and this indicates their high desire to learn, and then benefit the institution that will employ them, and the combination of these two elements is what can We call it the completion of the circles of passion, which establishes the employee’s sincerity and dedication to his work. Therefore, I envy the National Library for choosing this team, and I congratulate its members on the fact that they will become employees of the Palestinian National Library.

In fact, this is a situation that magnified my willingness to show my best training skills and give them the best of what I have learned in my life in the world of libraries and their management, in exchange for their seriousness and sincere endeavor to learn and benefit from their trainer and invest their time wisely.

He added, “The Palestinian National Library needs this type of employee, given the enormous tasks entrusted to it, because we are
now face to face with the working clock that has ticked, to apply everything we have learned on the ground without slackness or laziness.”

Training areas

The course participants also received training in the field of legal deposit, as it is one of the main functions of the National Library and one of the most important sources of supply. They were introduced to the importance of the supply department in the library, its methods of work and operation, and the best ways to provide the library with modern publications on an ongoing basis, and to meet the needs of researchers and scholars on a continuous basis. The difference and diversity of their fields of studies and research.

Trainer Hamad also focused on developing the trainees’ skills and expanding their knowledge of work computing with the best and most advanced computing systems.

The course participants also received training to adopt the best technical practices for safety and accuracy within the deposit and supply process, and to build modern work m
echanisms in this field, including modern inventory mechanisms in the library, and to build mechanisms similar to the lending process and the approach regulating it.

The course participants also received extensive training aimed at expanding their knowledge of descriptive and objective indexing methodology, according to the US Congress’ system for dealing with various sources of information, and how to use subject headings to correctly identify the main topic in the indexing and classification process.

The course participants also received extensive training on how to manage libraries completely electronically and manually, and enable the employee to understand, deal with and document the book, how to deal with that data on the Palestinian National Library system, and how to benefit from the services shown on the library’s website, to be able to provide A competitive, high-quality professional service to its audience, and opening more worlds of knowledge to researchers and scholars around the world and attr
acting them, through an easy and flexible system of availability and access to information.

The course also addressed the importance of intellectual property law, and how a library worker must deal with this right, in a way that preserves the owner’s right to the material, as well as the possibility of availability.

At the end of the session, the head of the Palestine National Library honored the head of the National School for his great services to the Palestinian community, and he also honored the trainer ‘Anan Hamad’ for his efforts in training and qualifying employees and those seeking his individual expertise and skills in library science and management, and providing them with insight into what is necessary. His awareness and knowledge in the field of specialization, and helping them think with a scientific and modern work methodology.

Source: Maan News Agency