
The Governor of Jericho receives the Undersecretary of the Human Rights and Civil Society Department at the PLO

Jericho – Together – The Governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, Hussein Hamayel, received in his office today, Wednesday, the Undersecretary of the Human Rights and Civil Society Department of the PLO, A. Qasim Awad and the journalist at the PLO Secretariat, Ali Al-Santrisi, where the meeting discussed preparations for the opening of the department’s office in Jericho and the Jordan Valley, according to the memorandum of understanding signed by the member of the Executive Committee, Head of the Department of Human Rights and Civil Society, Ahmed Saeed Al-Tamimi, and the President’s Advisor for Governorate Affairs, Lieutenant General Haj Ismail. Jabr, in all governorates of the country.

Hamayel stressed the full readiness to implement the memorandum, host the office, and the importance of strengthening citizenship, the rule of law, the rights of the citizen, his freedom and the protection of his rights guaranteed by the law, pointing to working to balance the foundations and principles of freedoms and rig
hts of the citizen on the one hand, and preserving his life and property on the other hand, in addition to Preserving the capabilities of our people and their public and private property, stressing that the occupation’s policies and procedures will not prevent us from continuing to strive to serve our people. He added that this step comes within the framework of building a national strategy in accordance with the directives of President Mahmoud Abbas to strengthen the human rights system.

For his part, Awad said, “Implementing the agreement comes out of belief in the importance of strengthening the system of respect for human rights in order to enhance the struggle of our people to establish their independent state, and to escalate the state of political clash with the occupation.”

Awad added that the office will monitor and document all violations and violations committed by the Israeli occupation and its settlers, including killing our people, seizing our lands and establishing settlements there, and atta
cking Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Church of the Resurrection, and the Ibrahimi Mosque, and preparing the necessary reports for each governorate, stressing the importance of human rights in the Basic Law. Palestinian Article No. (11), Clause (1), stipulates that personal freedom is a natural right and is guaranteed and shall not be infringed. This step comes in the context of the cumulative Palestinian national effort to expose the practices of the Israeli occupation, document the crimes it commits against our people, and reinforce the concept of Human rights, and preserving the authentic human values ??of living in dignity and the right to life, in addition to the right of our people to self-determination.

Source: Maan News Agency