
Statement: Fatah warns against shifting the compass away from the national goal

The Fatah movement warned, on Tuesday, against attempts to shift the compass away from the national goal, and an attempt to strike the unity of our people at this critical stage that the Palestinian people are going through in light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Below is the text of the statement:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Statement issued by the Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah / Northern Territories

The masses of our great people

The massacres and crimes that our Palestinian people are being exposed to in the Gaza Strip are being committed by the fascist Israeli war machine in front of the eyes of the entire world, disregarding all international and humanitarian laws and closing the doors of all efforts to stop its war on all Palestinians, the most recent of which was the massacre of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which claimed the lives of more than 500 people. One martyr and hundreds of wounded. This only indicates that the occupation and its criminal government, with all its pillars, are committed to committing more massacres against children, women, and the elderly. We also hold the entire international community responsible for what is happening on Palestinian land, and we consider it a partner of the occupation if it continues to deafen its ears and close its eyes to the ongoing massacres and massacres against us. Dr.

Our steadfast Murabit people

The Palestinian national issue today stands at a very dangerous crossroads. We must pay close attention to what is going on in the region in general and the conspiracies being hatched against us whose goal is to liquidate our national project through killing, displacement, division, and sowing discord among the people of one people, who must be united today and not tomorrow as one body and body. Unite with all its components and segments to confront the crimes of the occupation and its plans and bury them with those infiltrating our ranks and those who are trying to distort the compass of what is happening in Gaza by inciting against our children and the children of the martyrs and prisoners in the security establishment. Therefore, we warn you against this group that is outside the national ranks not to be drawn in behind it and to give priority to the language of reason in such difficult circumstances. Which we are all going through and as we declare that we and the security establishment will be in one trench to confront infiltrators among the ranks of citizens and we will be on the lookout for them.

Source: Maan News Agency