
Spring weather prevails in most regions

Temperatures will continue to rise to become from 5 to 8 degrees above average in the coastal region, while it will become from 2 to 4 in the other regions as the country is affected by a high air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere, according to Meteorological Department

The weather will be hot in the coastal region, clear to partly cloudy skies in the other regions, misty in the eastern and al-Badia regions, the wind will be easterly to northeasterly with low to moderate speed, while the sea waves will be low in amplitude, according to Tuesday bulletin.

The expected temperatures in some Syrian cities will be as follows: Damascus 30/18, Daraa 33/19, Homs 35/20, Hasaka 33/19, Tartous 33/19, Deir Ezzor 34/20.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency