
Qatari Newspapers Editorials -1-

In its editorial entitled “Pioneering Energy Projects,” Al-Arab highlighted the State of Qatars energy projects which draw global attention given their impact at the local, regional and international levels.

In this context, Al-Arab noted QatarEnergy’s announcement of two projects to build a mega solar power plant and a world-scale urea production complex.

The paper underlined that the new urea production complex will represent a leap in the Qatari energy, not only locally but also globally. The new mega project entails building 3 ammonia production lines. The new facilities, which are planned to be built, will more than double the State of Qatars urea production from about 6 million tons per annum currently to 12.4 million tons per annum, making the State of Qatar the worlds largest urea producer, and playing a crucial role in ensuring food security for hundreds of millions of people around the globe.

Meanwhile, the new solar project will be added to the State’s solar power portfolio, which includes the e
xisting Al-Kharsaah solar power plant, which was inaugurated in 2022 with a capacity of 800 megawatts of electricity, and to two solar power projects that QatarEnergy is building in Ras Laffan and Mesaieed industrial cities with a total production capacity of 875 megawatts, and which are expected to start production before the end of this year, Al-Arab added.

On Arab affairs, Al-Watan said that the Israeli occupation forces continued yesterday their aggression on the city of Jenin and its camp for the fifth consecutive day, leaving 14 Palestinians martyred. Dozens have been injured and arrested so far, in addition to the widespread destruction of Palestinian property, public and private facilities, and infrastructure, including the water and electricity networks.

In its editorial entitled “Heinous Crimes,” Al-Watan highlighted the statement of Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which it affirmed the need for the international community to urgently provide the Palestinian people with the necessary protec
tion and to hold Israel accountable for its brutal crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, along with obliging it to stop its blatant violations of international humanitarian law and to compel it to respect international conventions.

Commenting on another topic, English newspaper, The Peninsula, highlighted the extensive preparations made by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to create conducive learning environment in schools with recreational and educational activities to keep students motivated.

In its editorial entitled “Conducive Learning Environment,” The Peninsula said that the Ministrys curricula plan for new the academic year is based on the Third National Development Strategy. The new plan seeks to achieve an ideal balance between the academic, social and psychological aspects of students. It is aimed at providing education that meets the needs of students and enable them to acquire skills and values that make them face challenges.

The new plan focuses on digital competence, e
motional intelligence, and critical thinking. It aims to keep pace with the best education practices around the global, the paper added.

As per the plan, KG students will be offered free reading classes along with increased sports activity. The elementary school students will have the opportunity to acquire further linguistic and artistic skills along with life skills that develop their motivation to learn, the paper noted.

Source: Qatar News Agency