

Qatar University announced the launch of the Arab Association for Cyber Security to promote joint Arab collaboration to discuss future challenges in the field of cyber security, in addition to discussing cooperation mechanisms to establish joint research and programs in this field.

In his speech, His Excellency Dr. Hassan bin Rashid Al-Derham, President of Qatar University, said, “We at Qatar University are pleased to launch the Arab Association for Cyber Security, as Qatar University was known for its efforts in the field of scientific research. The results of these efforts were reflected in the progress of Qatar University in the list of the best international universities.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Mubarak Muhammad Ali Majzoub, Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Scientific Research Councils, said, “Scientific research is the backbone of technological development and development, and the advanced nations have reached high level of development in industrial and economic fields as a result of scientific research enahncement. The applied research centers have reached it in terms of inventions and technologies that have benefited humanity,

In her speech, Dr. Noora Fetais, Founding President of the Arab Association for Cyber Security and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the College of Engineering at Qatar University, said, “The Association comes to coordinate and cooperate among Arab scientists in the field of cybersecurity to create a cooperation between Arab scientists and researchers in this field. The association will also work to encourage scientific research in cybersecurity, encourage competencies and find opportunities for capacity building and development, in addition to finding opportunities to train young researchers in the Arab world, and will also work to spread societal awareness of the association’s work.