
Qatar Affirms Keenness to Reach Peaceful Solution to Disputes through Mediation

The State of Qatar has affirmed its interest and keenness to support achieving peace and reaching a peaceful solution to disputes through its mediation efforts, which constitute one of the main priorities in its foreign policy.

This came in the statement of the State of Qatar, which was delivered today by the Acting Charge d’Affaires of the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar in Geneva Jawhara Al Suwaidi, before the Human Rights Council at its 49th session, during the general debate on the updated statement of HE Michelle Bachelet, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, under item (2).

Al Suwaidi expressed Qatar’s keenness to promote the right to development through the implementation of development projects and programs that achieve stability and consolidate security and peace.

She thanked the High Commissioner for her oral update and commended her efforts and members of her office in carrying out their tasks, and expressed the State of Qatar’s agreement with the High Commissioner’s view that achieving peace and comprehensive sustainable development are essential elements for promoting human rights and preserving human dignity.

She reiterated its deep concern about the military actions in Ukraine and their negative repercussions. In this regard, she welcomed the temporary ceasefire that has been enforced today, urging all parties to maintain the cessation of hostilities and comply with their obligations under relevant international laws and conventions. She also urged all parties to facilitate rapid, safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance to those in need in Ukraine, protect civilians and facilitate the crossing of those wishing into neighboring countries without discrimination, and continue negotiations to reach a peaceful solution that ends this crisis.

On the other hand, Al Suwaidi said that the Syrian regime and its allies bear the main responsibility for the grave violations and crimes that have been committed and are being committed every day against the brotherly Syrian people, who have taken to the street in a sound manner demanding their rights to live in dignity, justice and equality.

She supported the High Commissioner’s reference to the need to find durable solutions for people in displacement camps in northeastern Syria, and urged countries of origin to return their nationals, particularly women and children, in accordance with their obligations under international law.

She noted that the State of Qatar shares the High Commissioner’s concern about the deterioration of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation, the aggression against civilians, the continued construction of settlements, attempts to Judaize Jerusalem, the continuation of Gaza blockade, and all other violations committed by Israel, the occupying power, which are documented by United Nations reports, would not have happened if there had been no silence and inaction by the international community about holding to account all Israeli leaders and those responsible for violations.

Al Suwaidi expressed concern about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, especially the humanitarian situation in Yemen and Libya, and called on all conflicting parties to exercise restraint, stop the fighting and abide by international humanitarian law to ensure the protection of civilians, and to move forward in negotiations and constructive dialogue with the participation of all components in order to achieve national reconciliation and reach solutions within the agreements and adopted international resolutions, to ensure that bloodshed is spared and the political process can proceed.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs