
Public Relations in Hebron Intelligence visits the Hebron Charitable Rehabilitation Society

The Public Relations of the Intelligence Service in Hebron, represented by its director, Abdul Hafeez Al-Hashlamoun, made an official visit to the Hebron Charitable Rehabilitation Society, and met with its president, Dr. Samih Al-Dweik.

During the visit, ways to sustain and continue providing the association’s staff’s services to its permanent residents and ways of joint cooperation between the two institutions were discussed, and the most prominent obstacles related to the association’s work were reviewed in order to overcome them.

Al-Hashlamoun conveyed the greetings of the Head of the General Intelligence Service, Minister Majid Faraj, and the Director of the General Intelligence Service in Hebron Governorate, Major General Muhammad Ghannam, to the President of the Association, Dr. Samih Dweik, the members of the Council and the administrative staff of the Association, stressing the importance of supporting the Association for the clear services it provides to its fellow Palestinian people

Source: Maan
News Agency