
Prisoners face the most severe and cruel violations in history

Ramallah – Together – 200 days after the genocidal war carried out by the Israeli occupation against our people in Gaza, and in light of the continuation of the comprehensive aggression, the Israeli occupation system continues to escalate the level of crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories in an unprecedented manner compared to the years in which it witnessed… Palestine: Uprisings and popular uprisings. However, this dangerous escalation constitutes an extension of the occupation’s approach based on its continuous attempt to target the Palestinian presence and impose more tools of oppression, control and censorship.

Over the course of more than (6) months of continuous and escalating aggression, the occupation system at all levels carried out horrific and dangerous crimes against prisoners and detainees, which led to the martyrdom of at least (16) prisoners who were only announced, while the occupation continues the crime of enforced disappearance against Gaza detainees, including the martyrs who r
ose in the camps, making this number of martyrs among the ranks of prisoners and detainees compared to the historically highest time period, according to the historically available data on the numbers of martyrs held captive in prisons.

The horrific crimes of the occupation took on high levels of brutality, and the systematic arrest campaigns that affected all segments of Palestinian society and from all geographies constituted the most prominent policies that reflected the level of serious crimes, including dense details of grave, systematic violations carried out by the occupation, in an attempt to undermine any state of struggle that seeks to consolidate The Palestinian right to self-determination.

In a special paper marking the 200th day since the genocide, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club reviews the most prominent data and policies reflected in the arrest campaigns and the issue of prisoners and detainees in Israeli occupation prisons:

At least 8,430 arrests were recorded in the West Bank, including J
erusalem, 200 days after the aggression.

The Israeli occupation forces carried out widespread arrest campaigns throughout all of Palestine, and as part of their follow-up, the institutions were able to document the number of arrest cases after October 7 in the West Bank, including Jerusalem. The arrest cases to date have reached no less than (8,430) arrest cases in the West Bank, which included All segments of Palestinian society, including (280) women and girls (this statistic includes women who were arrested from the occupied territories in 1948, and women who were arrested from the West Bank and carry IDs indicating that they are residents of Gaza), while the number of arrests among children reached no. Less than (540), noting that the arrest cases include those who were kept in detention by the occupation and those who were later released.

Note that the majority of those who were detained by the occupation were transferred to administrative detention, or indictments were filed against them for ‘inciteme
nt’ on social media sites.

While the Israeli occupation continues to carry out the crime of enforced disappearance against Gaza detainees, the institutions have not been able to obtain accurate numbers of those who have been arrested in Gaza, but their number is estimated at thousands. Since the beginning of the aggression, the occupation has refused to disclose any data about their numbers, their places of detention, as well as their health conditions. .

The total number of prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons until the beginning of April reached more than (9,500), while the number of administrative detainees in the occupation prisons reached more than (3,660), and the number of those classified by the occupation as ‘illegal combatants’ reached (849), according to what was announced. About the prison administration, and this is the only information announced regarding Gaza detainees in prisons.

This is in addition to the widespread arrests in the occupied territories in 1948, specifically against t
he backdrop of so-called (incitement).

Arrests do not only reflect the increase in the number of detainees, but also the level of systematic and ongoing crimes

The date after the 7th of October, and the start of the war of extermination in Gaza, was not the beginning of the occupation’s aggression. Rather, all the current crimes constituted an extension of continuous crimes over many decades. The arrest campaigns after the 7th of October reflected a high level of brutality against the detainees and their families, which It also constituted an extension of the crimes and violations committed against them before this date, but the main variable in this is the intensity of these crimes.

Among the most prominent policies, crimes, violations, and torture operations that institutions monitored after October 7th during the arrest campaigns carried out by the occupation through storming homes, through arrest operations at checkpoints, or through summonses:

Field executions, shooting them directly before arrest, o
r threatening to do so, in addition to severe beatings, field investigations that affected hundreds, intimidation and humiliation, sexual assaults, the use of police dogs, and the use of citizens as human shields and hostages, in addition to widespread sabotage operations. Which affected homes, confiscating possessions, cars, money, gold jewelry and electronic devices, in addition to demolishing and bombing homes belonging to prisoners in the occupation prisons.

These attacks and systematic crimes have left serious impacts on the lives of detainees and their families, especially since the threats do not stop at the arrest process. Rather, the occupation forces continue, through a number of their tools, to threaten and monitor them, and carry out summonses and investigations.

We note that dozens of photos and video clips that the occupation had published since the beginning of the aggression, of arrest operations, reflect the torture and humiliation operations it carried out against them, and the operations
of detaining them in conditions degrading human dignity. Among them were many photos of the mass arrests of our people in Gaza, some of which showed They were detained while they were naked, shackled and blindfolded in horrific and cruel conditions, in addition to the crime of field execution that was carried out against Gaza detainees, since the beginning of the ground invasion, and it affected women, children, the elderly, the sick and the wounded.

The crime of enforced disappearance has been continuing for 200 days against Gaza detainees

The Israeli occupation continues to carry out the crime of enforced disappearance against Gaza detainees since 200 days of genocide, and to this day refuses to allow legal teams to visit them or communicate with them, and the available data is still small and limited information that institutions have been able to obtain from among the detainees who are being released from prison. Prisons.

The testimonies of the released Gaza detainees, and the clear signs of torture on
their bodies, reflected evidence of the level of crimes and brutality carried out by the occupation against them, including detainees who were martyred as a result of torture and medical crimes, and the occupation has not yet revealed their identities and conditions of detention, in addition to the reports revealed by the occupation. Regarding this, and his confession of executing detainees, in addition to one of the reports that includes a doctor’s testimony stating that the limbs of sick and injured detainees were amputated in one of the facilities affiliated with the Sde Teman camp.

Gaza detainees have been subjected to all different forms of torture and continuous restrictions over time, in addition to the policy of starvation, detention in conditions degrading humanity, continuous humiliation and assaults, threats of death, in addition to sexual assaults, and the policy of stripping male and female detainees of their clothes, which the occupation has adopted. In their right.

It is noteworthy that the P
risons Administration had announced in early April the detention of 849 detainees whom it classified as ‘unlawful combatants,’ and this figure does not include Gaza detainees held in camps. We add to this figure the presence of (24) children from Gaza in (Megiddo) prison. ), in addition to a group of female prisoners in (Damoun) prison. These data also do not include all children detained from Gaza or women.

More than (3,660) administrative detainees as of the beginning of (April) in Israeli occupation prisons. This number is the highest historically:

The Israeli occupation forces administratively arrested thousands of Palestinian citizens, as this policy represented the most prominent changes related to the issue of prisoners, under the pretext of the so-called ‘secret file.’ It targeted all groups, including university students, journalists, women, representatives in the Legislative Council, and human rights activists. , workers, lawyers, mothers, former detainees, merchants, and children.

The occupation
authorities have used administrative detention over many decades, as a tool for oppression, control, intimidation, and undermining any escalating situation of struggle. It became particularly prominent in the years of uprisings and popular uprisings, when the number of administrative detainees as of the beginning of April reached more than (3,660) administrative detainees, including (22). ) of women, and more than (40) children.

Note that the number of administrative detention orders issued after October 7, between new orders and renewal orders, reached (5210).

Hundreds of Palestinians arrested due to so-called (incitement)

After October 7, the occupation authorities arrested hundreds of citizens on the grounds of so-called ‘incitement’ on social networking sites or through the media. They targeted all groups of Palestinian society, including children and women, journalists, activists, students, academics and others, and those who did not. The occupation is able to issue an indictment (indictment) regardin
g incitement, as it has been transferred to administrative detention. Recently, the occupation has escalated the arrest of women mainly over what it calls (incitement), which is a broad and loose concept, and through which the occupation can arrest the entire Palestinian community, as well as the crime of administrative detention.

It is noteworthy that the arrest operations against the background of (incitement) were concentrated against Palestinians in the territories occupied in 1948 and Jerusalem.

Retaliatory measures, torture and humiliation inside prisons…their effects on prisoners escalate over time:

With the beginning of the aggression, the prison administration imposed a number of measures to tighten the noose and take revenge on the Palestinian prisoners inside the prisons, in addition to the attacks, severe beatings and torture that reached their peak after the seventh of October. As we mentioned previously, all the current policies constitute a historical extension of all the policies that the
occupation has implemented throughout the course of the aggression. Decades, hundreds of casualties were recorded among the ranks of male and female prisoners, including children, the sick, and the elderly, who were subjected to assault by the repression units. Since that date, methods of torture have varied between thirst and starvation, in addition to withdrawing all the basic necessities of life and keeping the bare minimum, as the administration withdrew The prisons included all electrical appliances, clothing, and food for the prisoners, and isolated them from the outside world until today. They placed the detainees in (rooms – cells) that did not accommodate these numbers, which imposed a very high state of overcrowding, in addition to the medical crimes that escalated after the seventh of October. And turning all procedures, including the so-called (security examination – number), into a station for humiliation. The transfer of prisoners, as well as the visits of lawyers to the station, were used to as
sault and humiliate them through the jailers and the repression units.

Note that the occupation continues to prevent the International Committee of the Red Cross from visiting prisoners and detainees in Israeli occupation prisons.

Attacks against prisoners, torture, retaliatory measures, and medical crimes led to the death of (16) prisoners whose identities were revealed only, knowing that this figure does not include martyrs from Gaza detainees whose identities and circumstances of their martyrdom are not known to this day.

Among the captive martyrs was the captive martyr, Commander Walid Daqqa, who was martyred as a result of a series of medical crimes to which he was subjected, in addition to the abuse, deprivation, and torture to which he was subjected over the course of 38 years of detention, and the occupation has been holding his body since April 7, 2024. He is among 26 prisoners who were imprisoned and whose bodies the occupation continues to detain.

Source: Maan News Agency