
Occupation forces storm Jenin and surround a house (video)

Jenin – Ma’an – Israeli occupation forces stormed the village of Kafr Qud, west of Jenin, on Tuesday afternoon and surrounded a house.

The occupation army sent military reinforcements to the area.

Ma’an’s correspondent in Jenin reported that the occupation forces surrounded the house of the Secretary of the Fatah Movement in Jenin, Jihad Abu al-Kamil.

The occupation forces prevented medical crews and journalists from reaching the site.

The occupation army withdrew from the vicinity of the house it was besieging in Kafr Qud and asked the ambulance to follow it.

Five young men were injured in Kafr Qud, and the occupation is still preventing medical crews from reaching the site.

Five citizens were killed and others were injured in a vehicle bombing this morning in the eastern neighborhood of Jenin.

The occupation forces have continued their aggression on Jenin since yesterday, destroying the infrastructure that led to a power outage in several areas amidst the outbreak of clashes.

Source: Maan News Agen