
Minister of Education and Higher Education: Teachers Play a Pivotal Role in Building Nation, Generations -1-

Speaking on behalf of his honored colleagues, Mohammed Abdullah Al Qahtani, a social studies teacher at Ibn Khaldoun Preparatory Independent School For Boys, discussed the teacher’s role and unrelented efforts in raising generations and young people, and their clear impact on shaping their future. He highlighted teachers’ many sacrifices and hard work to graduate generations that build nations, addressing in a relevant context the difficulties and challenges of the teaching profession.

A host of Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) officials appreciated the countrys marking of World Teachers Day as an appreciation of the growing role of teachers in building generations and raising young people.

In statements to Qatar News Agency , they stressed that teaching contribute to the efforts of human development, one of the pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030.

MOEHE’s Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Higher Education Affairs Dr. Khalid Al Ali said that Qatars celebration of World Teachers Day confirms the extent of the attention the state pays to science and scholars and its appreciation for the profession and teachers and the efforts they sincerely make in educating children and the nations renaissance, which can only be achieved through science and knowledge.

He noted that the State of Qatars keenness to celebrate this occasion annually and honor veteran teachers comes from its belief in the importance of the teaching profession, appreciation for teachers, and loyalty to their role in raising children and building the nation. It is sufficient to say that the teaching profession creates the rest of the other professions and therefore it is the foundation of all progress, renaissance and development, Al Ali added.

MOEHE’s Director of the Educational Guidance Department Maryam Al Emadi said the teachers have a high status in the Qatari society, and that they deserve every honor and care, pointing out that the state is aware and appreciates the pioneering role they play in creating and building generations. A good education and capable and qualified teachers, as in the educational system in Qatar, are mandatory for renaissance of nations, she added.

Mohammed Al Khulaifi, a social studies teacher at Khalifa Secondary School said that this honor is an incentive for more giving and making an effort to contribute more to the nations elevation and progress and to achieve the aspirations of the Qatari community, parents, and the educational field.

Fahd Hamad Ali Al Ghazi from Al Kharsaa Primary and Preparatory School for Boys said that teachers deserve this honor, hailing the event as an extension of the states continuous keenness to provide everything that motivates teachers towards more giving.

Haya Mohammed Al Nuaimi, a physical education teacher at Arwa Independent Secondary School, said that the teaching profession is a source of pride for every individual in the Qatari society, and that the teacher has his status and respect, and this honor and celebration confirms the states great interest in teachers and in the teaching profession.

Samira Al Emadi, an Arabic language coordinator at Al Khor Primary School, affirmed her pride in being a teacher, pointing out that teachers are entrusted with children to instill values, national identity, and good morals in them.

The State of Qatar marks World Teachers Day annually on Oct. 5 under the theme ‘Messenger of Knowledge… Thank You’, in recognition of the essential role of teachers as a pillar of the educational process.

Source: Qatar News Agency