
Jerusalem: Two martyrs, 69 arrests, and 30 demolition and bulldozing operations last month

Jerusalem – Together – Today, Sunday, the Jerusalem Governorate issued its report on the crimes and violations of the Israeli occupation in the occupied capital, for the month of last May.

The governorate said in the report issued by the Public Relations and Media Unit, that the frenzied attacks by the occupation authorities and their colonialists are continuing, under the right-wing occupation government, which is implementing an extremist program aimed at annexation, displacement, Judaization, seizing lands, and deepening colonialism and apartheid.


During the month of May, two martyrs died in the Jerusalem Governorate, one of them a child and the other from outside the governorate. At dawn on May 16, the child Nour Nizar Shihabi (17 years old) from the Al-Sawana neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem died, after the occupation forces shot him in the Bab Al-Sahira area in occupied Jerusalem. The occupation authorities detained his body.

On May 19, Rami Taqatqa (44 years old), from the town of Beit Fa
jjar, south of Bethlehem, jumped at the Container checkpoint near occupied Jerusalem.

File of detained bodies

On May 16, the occupation detained the body of the child martyr, Nour Shihabi (17 years old). With the occupation’s detention of the body of the child martyr, Shihabi, the number of bodies of Jerusalemite martyrs held by the occupation authorities in refrigerators or number cemeteries until the end of May 2024 rises to 41 Jerusalemite martyrs.

Targeting national figures

The occupation authorities continue their attempts to impose sovereignty over Jerusalem and its sanctities with the aim of imposing a new reality, and continue their racist policy against the national symbols of Jerusalem, most notably the Governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, upon whom the occupation imposes a decision of open house arrest in his home since the fourth of August 2022, without specifying a period of time. According to the decision, on May 20, the occupation intelligence summoned Governor Ghaith to interrogate him in
what is known as Room 4 in the Al-Maskobiyya Center in occupied Jerusalem.

The occupation handed Ghaith a decision intending to renew the order to deport him from the West Bank for the sixth year in a row. On May 30, the occupation handed Ghaith a decision to renew his deportation from the West Bank for a new period of 4 months, until next September 16.

The occupation forces attacked participants in commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the passing of the Emir of Jerusalem, Faisal Al-Husseini, by beating and pushing them, which led to the injury of the director of the Prisoner’s Club, Nasser Qaws, and Ishaq Al-Qawasmi, an employee of Orient House.

Colonial attacks

The colonizers’ attacks on Palestinians in general and on the people of Jerusalem Governorate in particular are increasing, in light of the occupation police’s failure to arrest the aggressors among them. Rather, the fascist occupation government deliberately provides a cover for their criminal racist practices, with evidence of illegal manipula
tion and deception, to provide a safety net that protects these aggressors, as they are the tool. The strong extremist occupation policy in implementing and achieving its goals. During May 2024, the Jerusalem Governorate monitored about (19) attacks by colonists, including (assault) physical harm.


During May, the Jerusalem Governorate monitored injuries resulting from the occupation’s use of excessive force against Jerusalemites, as (13) injuries were monitored as a result of live and rubber-coated metal bullets and severe beatings, in addition to cases of suffocation with poisonous gas.

The colonists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque

In a clear and clear violation of the sanctity of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the settlers’ raids continued during May of 2024, as 4,277 colonists and 6,179 stormed the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque under the name of ‘tourism’ during the fait accompli imposed by the occupation, called the morning and evening periods, with strict protection from the occupation forces.

Occupation crim
es against Christian sanctities and Christian clergy in Jerusalem

The occupation forces tightened their measures and installed iron barriers with the aim of restricting Christians who celebrate the ‘sad’ Good Friday.

The occupation forces deployed their checkpoints in the roads of the Old City and at its gates in occupied Jerusalem, to restrict the Christian people on the occasion of celebrating ‘Sabbath of Light’ according to the Eastern calendar.

The occupation forces also obstructed the access of Christian Jerusalemites to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, restricted them during their celebration of Holy Saturday, attacked Christian residents in the vicinity of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in occupied Jerusalem, and arrested the Greek consul’s guard from inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in occupied Jerusalem.

The occupation authorities restricted the arrival of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank to participate in Holy Saturday celebrations in Jerusalem, erected barriers and iron ba
rricades, and limited the number of participants inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. They also assaulted the participants and arrested a number of them in a barbaric manner.

69 arrests during May, including 15 children

During May 2024, (69) cases of arrest were monitored in all areas of the Jerusalem Governorate, including (15) children and (3) women.

Actual prison sentences

The report monitored the racist occupation courts issuing (46) actual prison sentences against Jerusalemite prisoners, including (26) administrative detention sentences, ‘that is, without clearly specifying charges against them.’ Among the highest sentences issued by the occupation authorities during May was the sentence issued against the young Jerusalemite Thaer. Bakirat, from the town of Sur Baher in occupied Jerusalem, where the occupation issued an effective prison sentence against him for four and a half years, after a year of being in house detention.

Home detention decisions

The Jerusalem Governorate monitored (3) house
arrest decisions issued by the occupation authorities during May, against the boys: Yamen Tayeh, Adam Zaytoun, and Mahdi Khaddour, for a period ranging from two to five days.

Deportation decisions

The occupation authorities issued 6 deportation decisions, 2 of which were deportation from Al-Aqsa Mosque during May 2024.

Travel ban

The occupation courts issued a travel ban against the liberated Jerusalemite prisoner, Yaqoub Abu Asab, and prevented him from traveling outside the country for the sixth year in a row.

30 demolition and bulldozing operations

(30) demolition and bulldozing operations were monitored, including: (9 forced self-demolition operations) and (20 demolition operations carried out by occupation mechanisms), in addition to a bulldozing operation.

Demolition decisions, forced evictions, and land seizures

The occupation authorities handed over a number of demolition orders in different areas of the Jerusalem Governorate, where they stopped construction on one of the modern buildings in t
he town of Kafr Aqab, and seized a cement pump.

The occupation forces also notified the demolition of dozens of shops along the road linking the Jaba and Qalandia military checkpoints, north of occupied Jerusalem, and a bridge linking the towns of Jaba and Al-Ram.

The occupation municipality crews handed a number of residents in the town of Al-Issawiya in occupied Jerusalem demolition orders after storming the town and taking pictures of homes there.

The Salama Sawahra family in the town of Jabal Mukaber also began unloading the contents of their residential building, to implement the decision to demolish it in the coming days. It is noteworthy that the building consists of 3 floors and 6 apartments, and 50 people live in it, who will become homeless.

Forced displacement

During May, the Shehadeh family in the town of Silwan submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of the occupation, to annul an Israeli judge’s decision to evict them from their homes in the Batn al-Hawa neighborhood, without waiting for
the opinion of the judicial advisor, and without allowing the family’s lawyer to pursue this procedure.

The Occupation Supreme Court issued a decision canceling the evacuation orders against the ‘Hamad, Al-Dajani and Al-Dahoudi’ families from the units of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem.

Violations against Jerusalem institutions and landmarks

In continuous attempts to undermine the efforts of Jerusalemites inside the occupied capital, the occupation continues the policy of closing the institutions operating there and suppressing activities that prove the presence and steadfastness of Jerusalemites in the occupied city.

Among the most prominent of these attacks during the month of May: attacks against journalists and media institutions, incitement against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), attacks on events, attacks on school students, and obliteration of city landmarks.

Colonial projects

In their relentless and insanely accelerating pursuit to
impose a new reality on the occupied city of Jerusalem and Judaize it through the implementation of dangerous colonial projects, the occupation authorities approved during the month of May a new colonial project, in addition to starting work on two previously approved projects, and also opened a project whose work has been completed. on him.

Source: Maan News Agency