
Hebron Governorate commemorates Palestinian Prisoner’s Day with a mass national stand

Hebron – Together – In commemoration of Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club, the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority and the National Forces, and the Prisoners’ Families’ Committees, organized a mass national stand in support of the male and female prisoners languishing in the occupation prisons, under the title: “Let us win for our male and female prisoners in the occupation prisons and stop the war of genocide against the sons of… Our people in Gaza, Hashem,’ in the middle of Ibn Rushd roundabout in the city of Hebron.

A crowd of people from the governorate and its activists, the Governor of Hebron, Khaled Dodin, representatives of political forces, families of prisoners, cadres of liberated prisoners, the Political and National Guidance Authority, and the governorate’s governmental and non-governmental institutions participated in the national stand.

The participants in the protest raised pictures of male and female prisoners, sick prisoners, and martyred prisoners whose bodies were de
tained in the occupation’s refrigerators, and banners with words written on them holding the occupation government fully responsible for the lives of male and female prisoners, especially sick prisoners, and others demanding that the officers of the prison administration be prosecuted in international courts for the atrocities they commit against our prisoners. Our female prisoners are inside the occupation prisons.

The demonstration included many speeches delivered by the participants, where everyone praised the steadfastness of the male and female prisoners in the face of the prison administration, all denouncing the daily crimes of the occupation against the prisoners and against our people in Gaza, Hashem.

In the speech of the Governor of Hebron, Khaled Dodin, he directed his greetings to all the male and female prisoners in the occupation prisons, stressing that the Palestinian prisoners are the symbol of the struggle and the cause of all our people, with all the meaning and implications that the word
carries, stressing that the issue of the prisoners occupies the leadership’s list of priorities.

He added: “We are united behind the prisoners, and behind the decisions that protect our national rights, and with respect for the will of the Palestinian people, and we stress the importance of uniting our forces so that we can confront the occupation’s plans.”

Dodin sent a call to all international institutions to take urgent action to stop the organized crime committed against male and female prisoners, and called for the formation of international investigation committees to hold the occupation government accountable for its crimes against the prisoners.

The media spokesman for the Prisoner’s Club, Amjad Al-Najjar, said that the Palestinian Prisoner’s Day will remain immortal forever because it carries within it pain and hope, as we remember prisoners who sacrificed the prime of their youth for the sake of our freedom and dignity, stressing that the cry of the prisoners extending from the darkness of the ce
lls, the calls for help of our glorious female prisoners, and the steadfastness of our heroic prisoners , turning into waves of anger that pound the prison walls.

He stressed that the suffering of our detainees cannot be in vain, and that the murderers and criminals who try to bury our heroes in the basements of prisons will not be forgiven, calling for the activation of solidarity and support activities for the prisoners.

Al-Najjar also called on the international community and human rights institutions to intervene immediately and work to release all prisoners from the occupation prisons, in which racism was embodied. Al-Najjar pointed out the importance of this year in commemorating Prisoner’s Day, in response to the widespread Israeli attack on prisoners and their rights, especially after the seventh of October. By the Israeli political level and the Israeli Knesset, and attempts to put the occupation’s crimes and grave violations under the cover of the law through arbitrary and racist legislation that
is hostile to the rights of prisoners and their legal status.

He explained that Prisoner’s Day comes in light of the presence of approximately 9,500 male and female prisoners inside the prisons, and in light of the increase in the number of sick prisoners to reach 1,500 sick cases, and the number of administrative prisoners rising to 3,660 prisoners, 80 Palestinian women and 200 children, and the release of 16 prisoners inside the occupation prisons after the seventh of the month. October, while the occupation government is still holding the bodies of 27 prisoners in its refrigerators.

In turn, Director of the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority, Ibrahim Najajra, said that supporting prisoners and standing by them is a national, humanitarian and moral duty, and he called on international and human rights organizations to stop Israeli crimes against prisoners, starting with administrative detention, medical neglect, isolation under conditions that are not humanly appropriate, and the continuation of
operations of abuse and assault on prisoners. It violates all international laws and customs, especially international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and the Geneva Conventions.

He extended his greetings to all the prisoners and their families. Najajra said that the prisoners are being subjected to a frantic attack launched against them by the occupation government and the prison administration, noting that the issue of the prisoners has become an international issue and the international community must hold Israel accountable for its criminal actions against our brave prisoners, which violate their rights and international agreements in this context. He called for support for the efforts made by the Palestinian leadership to release them and to fully realize the legitimate rights of our people without any concession or negligence.

In the speech of the National Forces, delivered by Ismail Abu Hashhash, he stressed that the issue of prisoners must remain a priority, calling for the activat
ion of mechanisms with international and human rights institutions, and the International Criminal Court, to prosecute the occupation leaders for their crimes. The Palestinian people are required to be supportive of the prisoners’ cause and support the steadfastness of their families. In his speech, he called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to isolate the occupation and include it on the list of countries of shame, for the crimes it commits against the Palestinian people, including field executions, as well as for the crimes against humanity it commits against the prisoners in its prisons.

In a speech to the families of the prisoners, delivered by Ziad Abu Ramoz, the father of the prisoner Imad Abu Ramoz, he greeted all the families of the prisoners who live a life of worry for their children after nearly seven months of being prevented from visiting their children. In his speech, he called for urgent action by all human rights organizations to exert maximum pressure to restore the situation i
n prisons to what it was before the war, allow them to visit, activate mobilization and advocacy at the international and local levels, demonstrate the extent of the occupation’s brutality and fascism in dealing with prisoners, and present the issue of Palestinian prisoners before the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, and obtaining UN resolutions on this issue, in addition to the role that official bodies and Palestinian embassies must play in talking about what the prisoners are suffering in the countries where these embassies are located, and exerting influence to activate international public opinion to put pressure on Israel to stop what it practices against Palestinian prisoners.

The national stand included chanting national slogans praising the steadfastness of the prisoners and denouncing the occupation’s crimes against them.

Source: Maan News Agency