
Arab Summits: Historical Milestones in Support of Just, Legitimate Palestinian Rights – 2 –

During the 23rd Arab summit held in March 2012 in Baghdad, Iraq, the Arab leaders called for a dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition, demanding that Damascus immediately implement the plan of the UN and Arab League Special Envoy in Syria, Kofi Annan.

In March 2013, the 24th regular session of the Arab summit was held in Doha, during which the Arab countries’ leaders reaffirmed the statement within the Arab League Charter and the treaties and agreements complementary to it, proving the close connection and the many ties that bind all the Arab countries. They also stressed ensuring the consolidation of these ties, strengthening them, and directing them to what is best for all Arab countries.

The 25th Arab summit was held in March 2014, in Kuwait, and culminated in the issuance of the Kuwait Declaration, which renewed the pledge of the leaders of Arab countries to find the necessary solutions to the delicate and critical situations that the Arab world is going through with a deep vision an
d open insight. The leaders also expressed their absolute and categorical rejection of the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, the continuation of settlement, and the Judaization of Al-Quds (Occupied Jerusalem), whether by violating its Islamic and Christian sanctities, or by changing its demographic and geographic status, deeming the Israeli measures null and void under international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy.

Sharm El-Sheikh Declaration, which concluded the 26th Arab summit in March 2015, stressed Arab solidarity in word and deed in dealing with the developments that the region was experiencing, and the utmost necessity of formulating joint Arab positions in the face of all challenges.

The 27th Arab summit was held in July 2016, in Mauritania. It was concluded with the issuance of the Nouakchott Declaration, which affirmed the centrality of the Palestinian cause in joint Arab action, and moving forward in supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of
systematic Israeli aggression.

The 28th session of the Arab summit was held in March 2017, in the Dead Sea region, Jordan, and it affirmed the continuation of work to relaunch serious and effective Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations that will end the political impasse.

The 29th Arab summit was held in April 2018, in Dhahran, KSA, and its final statement stressed the importance of strengthening joint Arab action to confront the dangers facing the Arab countries and threatening their security and stability. The Arab leaders also announced their rejection of all unilateral Israeli steps that change the facts and undermine the two-state solution, and the invalidity and illegitimacy of considering Al-Quds (Occupied Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel, demanding that the countries of the world not move their embassies to Occupied Jerusalem, or recognize it as the capital of Israel.

The 30th Arab summit was held on March 31, 2019, in Tunis, Tunisia, during which the Arab leaders stressed that what unites Arab
countries and people is much greater that what divides them, thanks to the strength of ancient civilization ties, history, bonds of brotherhood, unity of culture and mutual interests.

Algeria hosted the 31st regular Arab summit in November 2022, and the Palestinian cause topped the summit’s agenda, which reiterated the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the entire Arab nation, in addition to the Arabs’ adherence to peace as a strategic choice, and resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 with all its elements.

In 2023, the 32rd Arab summit was held in Jeddah, KSA, during which Arab countries’ leaders stressed the centrality of the Palestinian cause, expressing their strong condemnation of the practices and violations that target the Palestinians and undermine efforts to establish their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. They also emphasized the importance of strengt
hening joint Arab action, solidarity and cooperation, protecting the sovereignty of countries and the cohesion of their institutions, and achieving further advancement of Arab action to keep pace with the challenges of the new era, in a way that serves the goals and aspirations towards a better future for the coming Arab generations.

The Arab summits, resolutions and statements continue to affirm the adherence of the Arab nation, states and peoples, to the option of peace based on international legitimacy, and that a just solution to the Palestinian cause, as the Arabs’ primary cause, will remain the key to peace, security and stability in the Middle East region.

Source: Qatar News Agency