
Arab League: Containing Security Situation in Region Begins With Ending Massacres in Gaza

Cairo, The League of Arab States affirmed on Wednesday that containing the deterioration in the security situation in the region begins with putting an end to the massacres that the israeli entity continues to commit in the Gaza Strip on a daily basis, implementing the security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, and bringing in humanitarian aid to the population living on the brink of famine.

Secretary-General of Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit met with Head of Mission and Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) Patrick Gauchat. During the meeting, Aboul Gheit said that the escalation could get out of control, threatening security in the entire region.

He stressed that political solutions remain the best way to achieve security for all parties, but it remains difficult to reach such solutions with the israeli occupation’s insistence on continuing to target Palestinians.

For his part, Gauchat gave a detailed presentation on the conditions and confrontat
ions on the various fronts monitored by the UN Monitoring Mission, including the Blue Line, which represents the armistice line between Lebanon and Occupied Palestine.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the regional situation in light of the war that the israeli occupation continues to wage against the Gaza Strip in defiance of international law and international humanitarian law, as well as against the backdrop of the dangerous escalation and successive security tensions on more than one level, especially in recent days.

Source: Qatar News Agency