
Al-Quds Open University, South Branch, hosts a dialogue symposium on the reality of prisoners after October 7

Hebron – Ma’an – As part of the activities to commemorate “Palestinian Prisoner’s Day”, Al-Quds Open University, South Branch, hosted a dialogue symposium on the reality of male and female prisoners after the seventh of October, under the auspices of the Fatah movement in the southern region, and in partnership with the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club, the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority, and the Prisoners’ Committee in the South.

The dialogue symposium was attended by Qaddoura Fares, head of the Commission for Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, and the staff of the Commission and the club working in Hebron Governorate.

The symposium was attended by dozens of cadres of freed prisoners, southern activists, the secretary of the Fatah movement in the south, Iyad Rayan, the organizational regions, all southern institutions, the municipality of Dura, the staff of the Directorate of Education, the administration of the Dura Martyrs Center, and dozens of university studen
ts, in addition to members of the university’s teaching staff.

The seminar, which was moderated by Ramadan Matar, head of the university’s workers’ union, began with a recitation of the Qur’an, the national anthem, and a minute of silence and mourning for the souls of the martyrs. Dr. Noman Amr, the university’s director, gave a welcome speech to all the attendees and guests and directed his greetings to all the male and female prisoners in the occupation prisons who are subjected to the most horrific acts of abuse. Crime, especially after October 7, led to approximately 16 prisoners becoming martyrs as a result of medical negligence and direct killing.

In his speech, Amr stressed that the captive Palestinian national movement was able to create a beacon of heroism and sacrifice, and write a wonderful, bright, and distinguished history, the letters of which were written in blood and suffering, with steadfastness and steel will, a history that continues to give, and grows brighter with the dawn of each new d
ay, a history full of national pride. It contains many bright meanings and connotations that pulsate with the will of salvation.

He considered that the Palestinian people have the right to be proud of this history, and it is our duty to strive to document it so that it remains a beacon for future generations, in all its parts and different forms. It is our duty to document the wonderful and bright history of martyrs, heroism and sacrifices. On the other hand, we must document Israeli violations of human rights. The captive Palestinian human being, and the inhumane practices and brutal treatment he was subjected to and is being subjected to, exceed in inhumanity and brutality what the human mind can imagine.

He stressed that Al-Quds Open University, the university of the Palestine Liberation Organization, with all its staff, will remain alongside the prisoners and support them, considering this part of the national university’s mission and part of its well-known history of struggle, and that the university w
ill do everything it can to enable the prisoner students to complete their educational attainment and help them overcome Against all the obstacles that the occupation placed in their way.

During his speech, Qaddoura Fares, Head of the Commission for Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs, reviewed the reality of the prisoner movement before the students and staff of Al-Quds Open University, South Branch, expressing his wishes that the universities would return to their natural place in the national movement and support and support the Palestinian people in their liberation process, through the student sector, Which constitutes the true youth energy as a source of revolution and rebellion against the difficult reality resulting from the continued occupation and its escalating crimes against the Palestinian people.

The head of the Commission revealed the fierce and Nazi attack carried out by the occupation prison administration against male and female prisoners, specifically after the seventh of last October.

res briefed the audience on the totality of the practices and crimes committed today inside prisons and detention centers, which affected all aspects of their lives, their livelihood, their health, and their rights, where beating, torture, killing, hunger, cold, humiliation, and isolation remained an instrument of abuse that was not practiced against them, within a systematic policy of revenge and supported by all political circles. And the Israeli military, as all components of the occupation system were recruited to perform this fascist mission.

Fares said: ‘Today is the best opportunity for the student sector and the student movement to revive itself, and the beginning must be from this hall, and this sector and its role in the first and second intifadas must be sensed and remembered, and it must contribute to reviving the issue of the prisoners and supporting them and their families in a way that befits their sacrifices, steadfastness and patience.’

Fares added: ‘Every student and every person in this h
all is important in terms of their status and abilities, and everything presented, regardless of its type or size, is in the interest of the prisoners and alleviates their suffering. Therefore, we must not underestimate what we can create, as a little will turn into a lot and will grow, and we will find ourselves at the end of the war.’ “The end is in front of an honorable national movement.”

For his part, the head of the Prisoners’ Club, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, said in his speech that the extent of the changes that have occurred in the reality of the prisoner movement, and the increasing restrictions and stranglehold on our prisoners and detainees, is in the context of imposing a new fait accompli, especially since the beginning of the war on Gaza last October, with the aim of undermining their steadfastness, which is being violated. In front of the international community.

Zaghari explained the measures taken by the prison administration against male and female prisoners in various Israeli prisons, as it clo
sed all the rooms for the prisoners and prevented them from going out to the Fora Square. It also confiscated electrical appliances, took away all blankets and clothes, fought them with drinking water, and deprived them of showers, in addition to isolating and transferring the movement’s leaders. The prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement cells, subjected to cruel and severe beatings, and the smell of blood wafted among the ranks of the prisoners.

Zaghari reviewed the number of arrest cases carried out by the occupation since the 7th of October, where more than 8,000 were arrested, including 355 children and 300 women, in addition to hundreds of those arrested from the Gaza Strip after the 7th of October until today, as the occupying state still conceals their places of detention and their living and health conditions. Note that the occupation announced the martyrdom of many Gaza prisoners, but there is still a state of opacity about their identity and the circumstances of their martyrdom until t
his moment.

In an intervention on behalf of the families of the prisoners, Nader Abu Halil, Secretary of Fatah in the Dura Regulatory Area, delivered a speech. He is the father of two prisoners who are administratively detained in the occupation prisons and were subjected to brutal abuse and criminal assault during their arrest and while they were in detention. Explaining that what is happening with the prisoners in terms of oppression, abuse and atrocities committed against them is a reason for all the Palestinian people to move to victory for them, expressing his concern and fear for the lives of his children in light of the interruption of any news and information about their circumstances and that news is filtering out about newly liberated prisoners that what is happening is a decision to kill against the truth. Prisoners. He directs his call and cry to all free and honorable people to stop the organized crime that is being committed against them with premeditation and deliberation.

Source: Maan News