
Afghan Foreign Minister Values Qatar’s Multi-Field Humanitarian Assistance

HE Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amir Khan Muttaqi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for the assistance it provides to the Afghan people across various fields.

His Excellency appreciated the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)’s efforts and contributions in responding to the needs of the population in various regions.

During a meeting with Director of the Relief and International Development Division at the QRCS, Dr. Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, HE Muttaqi touched on the importance of the QRCS’ projects in Afghanistan that focus on heart disease in children as an urgent medical problem, as well as helping forced returnees from asylum in neighboring countries, whose number exceeded one million, and they are in dire need of assistance in various health, educational and service fields.

Both sides also discussed the importance of supporting the establishment of a strategic aid warehouse, which includes basic food and non-food items that enable a rapid and urgent response to the needs o
f those affected by recurring natural disasters in the various states and regions of Afghanistan.

In a press conference that included Dr. Ibrahim and HE President of the Afghan Red Crescent Society Matiul Haq Khalis, a new project was announced to support the establishment, equipment and operation of 10 health centers in Afghanistan over a period of two years, with the aim of providing primary health care and enhancing maternal and child health services for the benefit of more than 250,000 beneficiaries annually in the areas most in need.

In addition, the QRCS announced the extension of the support it has provided since 2018 to the community health center in the third district of Kandahar City, with medicines, supplies, medical and non-medical equipment, the operational budget and training of health staff until 2027, with the aim of providing basic health services and maternal and child care services to about 46,000 people annually.

He noted that he signed a cooperation agreement with his Afghan counterpar
t to launch a project to enhance resilience among families most affected by conflicts and natural disasters in Afghanistan by enhancing food security and livelihoods, indicating that 800,000 families will benefit from the project in Farah, Faryab and Helmand provinces. The agreement was signed upon a funding from the Qatar Fund for Development.

As part of the medical convoy program, the fourth phase of the Little Hearts Project was launched in Afghanistan, while arrangements are underway to launch the fourth phase of the Educational Support Program in remote areas of Afghanistan.

Source: Qatar News Agency


Afghan Foreign Minister Values Qatar’s Multi-Field Humanitarian Assistance

HE Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amir Khan Muttaqi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for the assistance it provides to the Afghan people across various fields.

His Excellency appreciated the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)’s efforts and contributions in responding to the needs of the population in various regions.

During a meeting with Director of the Relief and International Development Division at the QRCS, Dr. Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, HE Muttaqi touched on the importance of the QRCS’ projects in Afghanistan that focus on heart disease in children as an urgent medical problem, as well as helping forced returnees from asylum in neighboring countries, whose number exceeded one million, and they are in dire need of assistance in various health, educational and service fields.

Both sides also discussed the importance of supporting the establishment of a strategic aid warehouse, which includes basic food and non-food items that enable a rapid and urgent response to the needs o
f those affected by recurring natural disasters in the various states and regions of Afghanistan.

In a press conference that included Dr. Ibrahim and HE President of the Afghan Red Crescent Society Matiul Haq Khalis, a new project was announced to support the establishment, equipment and operation of 10 health centers in Afghanistan over a period of two years, with the aim of providing primary health care and enhancing maternal and child health services for the benefit of more than 250,000 beneficiaries annually in the areas most in need.

In addition, the QRCS announced the extension of the support it has provided since 2018 to the community health center in the third district of Kandahar City, with medicines, supplies, medical and non-medical equipment, the operational budget and training of health staff until 2027, with the aim of providing basic health services and maternal and child care services to about 46,000 people annually.

He noted that he signed a cooperation agreement with his Afghan counterpar
t to launch a project to enhance resilience among families most affected by conflicts and natural disasters in Afghanistan by enhancing food security and livelihoods, indicating that 800,000 families will benefit from the project in Farah, Faryab and Helmand provinces. The agreement was signed upon a funding from the Qatar Fund for Development.

As part of the medical convoy program, the fourth phase of the Little Hearts Project was launched in Afghanistan, while arrangements are underway to launch the fourth phase of the Educational Support Program in remote areas of Afghanistan.

Source: Qatar News Agency