
A survey on governance issues and the quality of governance in Palestine before the war

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research conducted a poll of Palestinian public opinion in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, on issues of governance and the quality of governance in Palestine, during the period immediately preceding the outbreak of the October War in the Gaza Strip.

The eighth Arab Barometer showed that Palestinian society’s perceptions of the quality of governance in their country were bleak: Palestinian confidence in the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, its public institutions, civil society organizations, and the Hamas movement was low and declining. Beliefs that corruption had penetrated the institutions of the Palestinian Authority were overwhelming. The Palestinian public gave the government’s performance in providing security, keeping prices low, and working to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor a bad or very bad rating. However, the attitude towards providing services was expressing a mixture of satisfaction and resentment.

This report i
s the third in a series of reports covering the results of the current wave of the eighth Arab Barometer in Palestine. The first report dealt with a review of the internal balance of power and Palestinian-Israeli relations before and after October 7, and the second report dealt with a review of Palestinian perceptions and beliefs towards various international and regional actors and towards other international issues. The current report addresses one of the important issues covered by the Barometer, which is governance and the quality of governance in Palestine. The report focuses on the results of the eighth barometer with regard to issues of trust in leadership and institutions, satisfaction with performance and service delivery, and beliefs about corruption. These results are also being compared with those obtained by the seventh barometer conducted two years ago.

To read the full report click here .

Source: Maan News Agency