
44th GCC Summit Final Communique Condemns Attack on Gaza, Affirms Support for Palestinian People -6-

In relation to Yemen, the Supreme Council reaffirmed its full support for the Presidential Leadership Council headed by HE Dr. Rashed Mohammed Al-Alimi and the supporting entities to achieve security and stability in Yemen. This support aims to reach a political solution in accordance with the Gulf Initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, and the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, to safeguard Yemens sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and independence. It welcomes the ongoing sincere efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, and communications with all Yemeni parties to revive the political process, leading to a comprehensive and sustainable political solution in Yemen. It emphasizes the necessity of a ceasefire and the crucial engagement of the Houthis positively with international and UN efforts aiming to end the Yemeni crisis and earnestly address peace initiatives to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Supreme Council reiterated its support for the United Nations efforts led by its Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, and the efforts of the US Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking, to reach a political solution in accordance with the three references. It commends the Yemeni governments commitment to renew the humanitarian ceasefire announced by the United Nations in Yemen and welcomes the UN Special Envoy’s announcement on March 21, 2023, regarding the agreement between the Yemeni government and the Houthis to exchange 887 prisoners, in implementation of the agreement reached between the two sides in Stockholm in December 2018.

It also called for international pressure on the Houthis to lift the blockade on Taizz city and open humanitarian crossings, as stipulated in the UN ceasefire. It appreciates the efforts of the UN Special Envoy to renew the ceasefire in line with the Saudi Arabia-initiated initiative announced in March 2021 to end the crisis in Yemen, halt the fighting, and achieve a comprehensive political solution. It urges the UN envoy to take a firm stance against the actions of the Houthis conflicting with the efforts of the United Nations and regional countries to bring peace to Yemen.

The Supreme Council welcomed the issuance of UN Security Council Resolution 2707 on Nov. 14, 2023, reaffirming commitment to Yemen’s unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. It renewed the measures imposed under UN Security Council Resolution 2140, extended asset freezes and travel ban measures in Yemen until Nov. 15, 2024, and renewed the mandate of the expert team until Dec. 15, 2024. Additionally, it confirmed the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2216 and the resolutions of the Arab League Summit (32nd Ordinary Session) and the Jeddah Declaration on May 19, 2023, which reiterated support for ensuring the security and stability of the Republic of Yemen and meeting the aspirations of the Yemeni people.

The Supreme Council also praised the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to provide economic support to the Republic of Yemen amounting to $1.2 billion. This support responds to the Yemeni government’s request for assistance in addressing its current budget deficit, supporting salaries, operational expenses, and ensuring food security in Yemen. It commends the developmental projects and initiatives implemented by the Saudi Program for Development and Reconstruction of Yemen, totaling 229 developmental projects and initiatives in 7 core sectors including education, health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, and enhancing the capacities of governmental institutions, in addition to developmental programs.

Furthermore, the Supreme Council praised the announcement by the United Arab Emirates of supporting recovery and rehabilitation projects for the current year with a sum of $325 million targeting healthcare, renewable energy, and agriculture sectors. Qatar pledged to establish 10 mobile schools to support student education in Yemen and signed an agreement worth 10 million Euro to expand the project supporting youth entrepreneurship and financial inclusion. Kuwait announced providing 3 additional grants worth $5 million through the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development to support infrastructure sectors, economic recovery programs, and improve Yemeni port facilities. The Supreme Council reiterated the importance of the participation of sisterly and friendly countries in providing economic, humanitarian, and developmental support to the Republic of Yemen to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The Supreme Council also praised the achievements of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center for, along with the humanitarian support provided by the Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs from the Gulf Cooperation Council to the Republic of Yemen. The Council commended all GCC countries for their humanitarian and developmental assistance to Yemen. Additionally, it recognized the efforts of the Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance (MASAM) in clearing Yemeni territories from landmines, having successfully cleared more than 420,823 mines, unexploded ordnance, and explosive devices, and purified 51,082,121 square meters of land in Yemen. These lands, booby-trapped with mines and unexploded ordnance, were indiscriminately planted by the Houthi militias, resulting in casualties among innocent children, women, and the elderly.

The Council condemned the terrorist attack carried out by the Houthi militias, targeting the participating duty force from the Bahrain Defense Force in the Operation Restore Hope stationed at the southern borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which led to the martyrdom of several brave soldiers and the injury of others. The council reiterated its full solidarity and support with the Kingdom of Bahrain and renewed its call to cease the continued flow of weapons to these militias and prevent their export to Yemeni territories, ensuring compliance with United Nations resolutions.

The Council also condemned continued foreign interventions in Yemen’s internal affairs, the smuggling of military experts and weapons to the Houthi militias, in blatant violation of UN resolutions 2216, 2231, and 2624. It noted the announcement by security agencies in Al Mahrah Governorate of referring 16 suspects involved in smuggling weapons and drugs into Yemen to the specialized public prosecution in Hadramout Governorate. Furthermore, it acknowledged the Yemeni Coast Guard’s statement on Jan. 11, 2023, regarding the interception of a ship smuggling over two thousand weapons pieces by a vessel operating in the area under the command of the Fifth Fleet of the United States.

The Council welcomed the United Nations’ announcement of withdrawing 1.1 million barrels of crude oil from the floating tanker ‘Safer’ and urged the UN to expedite all remaining actions to address the ‘Safer’ tanker situation. It praised the efforts of Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, and the UN team, expressing appreciation for the generous financial support in financing this operation from donor countries, including Saudi Arabia’s contribution of $18 million, Qatar’s $3 million, and Kuwait’s $2 million.

Regarding the strategic partnership between the GCC and the Kingdom of Morocco, the Supreme Council emphasized the importance of this partnership, the implementation of the joint action plan, and its unwavering support for the territorial integrity of Morocco, ensuring the security and stability of the Kingdom of Morocco and its territorial unity. It commended the UN Security Council Resolution 2703 issued on October 30, 2023, regarding Western Sahara.

The Supreme Council congratulated the Kingdom of Morocco on the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) adopting the joint file of Morocco alongside Spain and Portugal for organizing the 2030 FIFA World Cup in football.

Regarding Iraq, the Supreme Council reaffirmed its steadfast positions and decisions towards fraternal Iraq, supporting ongoing efforts to combat terrorism and achieve security and stability. It stressed the importance of preserving Iraq’s territorial integrity, full sovereignty, Arab-Islamic identity, social fabric, and national unity, supporting the confrontation of terrorist groups and armed militias to uphold the state’s sovereignty and law enforcement.

The Supreme Council praised the positive and growing partnership between the Gulf Cooperation Council and Iraq, emphasizing progress in the electrical connection project to link Iraq with the electricity grid of the GCC countries, aiming for greater integration and interconnection between Iraq and the GCC countries, realizing their mutual interests and paving the way for further cooperation in the future.

The Supreme Council condemned all terrorist operations targeting the Republic of Iraq, aimed at civilians and security forces, reaffirming its support for Iraq in combating terrorism and extremism. It condemned all external attacks targeting the Republic of Iraq, emphasizing the necessity of respecting the country’s sovereignty, regional integrity, and reaffirming the GCC countries’ unified stance alongside fraternal Iraq. (MORE)

Source: Qatar News Agency