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June 14, 2024

Switzerland supports UNRWA with 11 million US dollars

Switzerland announced today, Friday, a contribution of 10 million Swiss francs ($11.2 million) to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Foreign Policy Committee of the Swiss House of Represen…

Temperatures to rise, misty weather in some regions

Temperatures continue to rise to become above average from 6 to 9 degrees, as the country is affected by a superficial Indian seasonal low air pressure accompanied by a subtropical high air pressure in the upper layers of atmosphere.

Nearly 30,000 Perform Friday Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Thousands of Palestinians performed Friday (Jum’ah) Prayer at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque amid stringent military measures imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities on worshipers’ arrival at the Mosque.

The Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusa…

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